Smart Contract
Learn more about the Chickly smart-contract.
Chickly is an ROI project on BNB-Network with NFTs implemented. Employing the technology of blockchain and smart-contract, the whole process of making investments and getting benefits is fully transparent and secure. The word ‘transparency’ means that you can always study the projects’ smart-contract to ensure it’s being run properly. At the same time none of your personal data is being collected or used so that each user of Chickly can stay totally anonymous and protected from any fraud.
Smart-contract has been developed in a way that no one can ever interfere with its operations to change any of its code or algorithms. Thus, all of your funds and transactions are being completely devoid of any meddling from outside. This is the approach that ensures the sustainable work of the smart-contract and eliminates the human factor from it. In other words, having been audited and tested for hundred times the Chickly smart-contract treats your funds in one way possible — it multiplies them, not reduce.
Smart-contract was audited by Solidproof and The-Stamp.
Last updated